

Tips For Staying Hydrated During The Ramadan Fasting Month

The fasting during Ramadan month when no fluids or food are taken from dawn to dusk can present challenges in staying adequately hydrated. Here are some tips.

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Debunking Some Common Dehydration Myths

Staying adequately hydrated may be a simple matter of drinking enough fluids, but there are a surprising number of myths and misconceptions around the topic.

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How To Protect Kids From Dehydration In Hot Weather

Young children are particularly prone to dehydration during hot weather, and they need some extra care and attention. Here are some useful tips to bear in mind.

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Is Sickness In Children Always A Stomach Bug?

Not all bouts of sickness, which can be eased with ORS hydration tablets, are due to stomach bugs, and they may be the result of food poisoning or allergies.

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Dehydration during pregnancy

Many expecting mothers face a level of dehydration. Dehydration is the result of the body losing water faster than the one taking in...

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